Art. 15 bis of the R.D. 99/2011 of 28 January establishes that the mention “Industrial Doctorate” will be awarded when doctoral studies are carried out with the collaboration of the social and economic fabric with the aim of promoting collaboration and the transfer and exchange of knowledge between the academic world and the social and economic world, whether this is in the public or private sphere.
The mention “Industrial Doctorate” may be awarded provided that the following circumstances are met:
- The thesis must have developed a research project of industrial, commercial, social or cultural interest for an entity, public or private company or public administration. Universities, public research bodies (national or regional) and university hospitals are excluded. Exceptionally, this mention may be made in any of these institutions, except universities, provided that the content of the thesis is eminently applied. The direct relationship between the doctoral thesis and the work carried out by the doctoral student in the institution or company must be formalised in a scientific-technical report that must be approved by the university.
- An agreement has been signed between the entity, company or public administration and the university for the academic development of the doctoral thesis, which will establish, as a minimum, the obligations of the parties and the industrial property rights that may be generated.
The Ministry annually announces Grants for Contracts for the Training of Researchers in Companies (Industrial Doctorates).
You can consult the specific regulations directly: Ley Orgánica 2/2023, de 22 de marzo, del Sistema Universitario.

The mention “Industrial Doctorate” in the doctoral degree will be awarded at the request of the doctoral student, provided that the doctoral student has been employed by the entity, company or public administration where the research project is being carried out for at least one year during the development of the thesis, a substantial part of which must be carried out in the entity, company or public administration.
The doctoral student will have a thesis supervisor appointed by the university and a supervisor appointed by the institution, company or public administration, who may, where appropriate, be the Director of the thesis in accordance with the provisions of this Royal Decree. Under no circumstances may the person in charge appointed by the company form part of the thesis assessment panel.
At the end of the research period, the doctoral student may complete the thesis deposit procedure, requesting the mention “Industrial Doctorate” for the thesis, for which the following documentation must be uploaded to the doctoral studies management platform:
- Application for the “Industrial Doctorate” Mention.
- Report by the tutor appointed by the University of León.
- Certificate from the company or Administration in which the PhD student has been providing services in which this is stated, in addition to their participation in an industrial research or experimental development project directly related to their thesis (supporting report).
- Copy of the employment contract signed with the company or Public Administration to prove your contractual relationship during the development of the thesis.
- If applicable, a copy of the collaboration agreement (with its annex) signed by the parties.
- Other required documentation.