Doctoral Studies Regulations
- School Calendar for the Academic Year 2023-2024
- University of León Doctoral School Code of Good Practice
- Rights and Duties of Thesis Supervisors, Tutors and Doctoral Students
- Credit Equivalences and Master’s Degree Level Assessment of University Degrees
- Regulation of Official Doctorate Degrees, regarding applications for Access by Students with Foreign Degrees
- Enrolment Regulations for the academic year 2024/2025
- Regulations for the Defence of Doctoral Theses
- Regulations for the Declaration of Equivalence of a Foreign Higher Education Degree to the Academic Level of Doctorate
- Regulations on Compensation of Travel Expenses for Commissioners serving on Doctoral Thesis Defence Committees
- Regulations on the Regime of Dedication and Permanence in Doctoral Programmes
- Regulations of the Official Doctorate and Doctorate Degree Programmes of the University of León
- Regulations for the Awarding of Extraordinary Doctorate Prizes
- Internal Regulations of the School of Doctoral Studies
- Resolution Teaching for the training of doctors in companies “Industrial Doctorates”
- Tuition Fees Course 2024/2025
- Regulations for the Defense of Thesis by Videoconference