- Grants for University Teacher Training (FPU)
- Grants for the Training of Researchers at Universities and Public R&D Centres
- University of León’s own Research Grants Programme
- Mobility Grants for Short Stays and Conferences of the University of León
- Aid for Pre-doctoral Recruitment of Research Staff by the Regional Ministry of Education
Grants for University Teacher Training (FPU)
They consist of grants for pre-doctoral contracts for research training in doctoral programmes for the attainment of a PhD degree and the acquisition of university teaching skills in any area of scientific knowledge, which facilitate the future incorporation of new doctors into the Spanish higher education and scientific research system (FPU grants).
Likewise, the contract will include a period of post-doctoral orientation for those pre-doctoral contract holders who obtain the title of doctor and carry out the collaboration in teaching tasks before the beginning of the last year of the pre-doctoral period.
For more information on the current call for applications, please consult the website of the Ministry of Universities.
Grants for the Training of Researchers in Universities and Public R&D Centres of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (FPI)
The purpose of the grants is to train doctors by financing employment contracts, under the pre-doctoral contract modality, so that the pre-doctoral research staff in training can carry out a doctoral thesis associated with a research project financed by the grants for R&D projects of the State Sub-programme for Knowledge Generation in the framework of the State Programme to Promote Scientific-Technical Research and its Transfer, in the framework of the State Plan for Scientific, Technical and Innovation Research 2021-2023, o an R&D project to be carried out in an R&D centre that has obtained a grant in the framework of the calls for Support for Severo Ochoa Centres of Excellence and María de Maeztu Units of Excellence, of the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, corresponding to 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021, or a research project to be developed within a priority line of research for the year 2022, set by the National Institute for Agricultural and Food Research and Technology (INIA) of the CSIC and which is carried out in a public R&D&I centre for agricultural and food research, dependent on an Autonomous Community and participating in the INIA(CSIC)-CCAA Coordinating Commission for Agricultural Research.
In turn, the grants are intended to finance the employment contract, during a postdoctoral orientation period (hereinafter POP) of a maximum duration of 12 months, of those persons who obtain their doctoral degree before the end of the pre-doctoral grant, bearing in mind that, in any case, the total grant may not exceed 48 months.
For more information on the current call, please consult the website of the State Research Agency.
The University of León's own Research Grants Programme
The University of León is fully involved in the training of its research staff, promoting actions aimed at encouraging research activity. The Vice-Rectorate for Research and Transfer, through the Research Support Area, coordinates and manages research support actions such as Calls for Training Grants, Grants for pre-doctoral and post-doctoral contracts, Research Projects and its own Research Grants Programme, all of which are aimed at supporting both young researchers and competitive research projects, so that they can maintain quality research activity.
Mobility Grants for Short Stays and Conferences of the University of León
The purpose of these grants is to facilitate short research stays in foreign centres with a view to promoting the awarding of the Intentional Mention in their doctoral studies, helping to finance the costs of accommodation, meals and travel for those doctoral students who do not have access to specific programmes to obtain the necessary funding to cover the expenses associated with this activity, as well as attendance at conferences and training courses.
For more information on the current call, please consult the Research Grants Programme page.
Aid for Pre-doctoral Recruitment of Research Staff by the Regional Ministry of Education
The Consejería de Educación de la Junta de Castilla y León annually announces grants to finance the pre-doctoral recruitment of research staff, co-financed by the European Social Fund. Within the framework of support for the pre-doctoral recruitment of research staff of the European Social Fund Operational Programme of Castilla y León 2014-2020, consisting of a line of aid co-financed by this fund, and by Order EDU/602/2016, of 27 June (BOCYL no. 128, of 5 July), the Regional Ministry of Education established the regulatory bases for the granting of this aid.
The grants are awarded on a competitive basis, following a call for applications by means of the corresponding order issued by the Regional Ministry and published in the BOCYL (Official Journal of the Autonomous Community of Castilla y León).
For more information on the current call for applications, please consult the website of the Education portal of the Junta de Castilla y León.
Carolina Foundation Grants
The doctoral scholarships are aimed at promoting the attainment of the academic degree of doctor among professors from Latin American universities associated with the Carolina Foundation, while the aim of the Postdoctoral Short Stay scholarships is to complete the postdoctoral training of professors from these centres and to facilitate the establishment of academic networks between Spain and America.
Both types of scholarships are based on a co-financing scheme, set out in bilateral educational cooperation agreements, inspired primarily by the principle of equal opportunities.
TalentUnileon Scholarships. PhD Programme
The purpose of this call for applications is to award 15 grants for foreign students starting their doctoral studies at the University of León. These grants will cover the student’s first year’s tuition fees, training complements, and a grant to cover health and travel insurance. In addition, the three candidates with the best scores will receive an extra grant of 1800 euros by virtue of the Collaboration Agreement between the University of León and Santander Universities Spain of Banco Santander SA.
For more information on the current call for applications, please visit our International Relations Office.
Syva Best Doctoral Thesis Awards
Laboratorios SYVA S.A., in agreement with the University of León and with the aim of encouraging the scientific training of university students in the field of Animal Health, has organised every year since 1997 the SYVA LABORATORIES AWARD FOR THE BEST DOCTORAL THESIS IN ANIMAL HEALTH, awarded to the best Doctoral Thesis work carried out on any aspect of Animal Health, and specifically designed on Microbiology, Immunology, Infectious Diseases or Parasitic Diseases of animals.
Find out what is of interest to new doctors wishing to apply.
Grants for postdoctoral stays at UNAM
The National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) has launched a call for postdoctoral fellowships for one year. This call is aimed at anyone who has obtained a doctorate in the last five years at a university of recognised prestige.
It is of special interest to the Centro de Estudios Mexicanos de la UNAM in Spain (CEM
UNAM-Spain) to promote these scholarships so that young Spanish PhDs can continue their academic training in Mexico, thus strengthening the exchange relations between the two countries and contributing to the internationalisation of UNAM.
The scholarship consists of a grant of 32,000 Mexican pesos per month, equivalent to 1,500 euros, which is enough to pay for accommodation, food and transport for one person in Mexico.
As can be seen in the call for applications, the person applying for these scholarships must have the acceptance of the Faculty, School or Institute of UNAM where he/she intends to carry out the postdoctoral stay. CEM UNAM-Spain can help to obtain such acceptance and also, if necessary, to identify tutors for the postdoctoral stay at UNAM.
postdoctoral stay at UNAM.
The call for applications can be consulted at the following link: