Before you can enrol in a programme, you must first be admitted. Doctoral programmes have a limited number of places and, therefore, you must apply for admission. The admission procedure is carried out online and is the responsibility of the Academic Committee of each doctoral programme.

The candidate must choose one of the doctoral programmes offered by the Doctoral School of the University of León.

If the application for admission is successful, then the access procedure begins.



The entire admission application process is carried out exclusively online, through the Pre-enrolment platform (link to platform), within the deadlines established in the school calendar.

Before pre-registration

  1. In order to pre-enrol correctly, it is necessary and essential that you have previously informed yourself about the teaching staff, lines of research, specific requirements, selection criteria and complementary documentation required for each programme, in the “Academic Information” section of the Programme Offer, as well as obtaining the approval of your Thesis Supervisor (except for the following programmes: Physical Activity and Sport Sciences, Law: Legal Protection and Social Cohesion, Legal Liability. Multidisciplinary studyBusiness Economics and Environmental Science and Technology.
  2. Applicants must collect and have all the necessary documents for pre-registration.

Access Modalities and Documentation

Minimum Documentation Required for Pre-registration

  • Copy of the Master’s Degree
  • European Diploma Supplement (ECTS) or, failing this, a master’s degree academic transcript
  • Copy of Bachelor’s Degree
  • European Diploma Supplement (ECTS) or, failing this, a university degree certificate
  • DNI
  • CV

Minimum Documentation Required for Pre-registration

  • Copy of the diploma(s) if more than one course of study is involved
  • Academic certification of previous studies
  • MECES 3 Certificate
  • DNI
  • CV

Minimum documentation required for pre-registration

  • Copy of the Master’s Degree
  • Academic certification or accreditation Level 7 MECES (SET)
  • Copy of Bachelor’s degree
  • European Diploma Supplement (ECTS) or, failing this, a university degree certificate
  • NIE/Passport (Foreign students)
  • CV

* Official translation, if necessary.

Minimum documentation required for pre-registration

  • Copy of the Master’s Degree
  • Academic certification or accreditation Level 7 MECES (SET)
  • Copy of Bachelor’s degree
  • European Diploma Supplement (ECTS) or, failing this, a university degree certificate
  • Certificate issued by the University that issues the degree that EXPRESSLY accredits THAT THESE STUDIES ALLOW ACCESS TO DOCTORAL STUDIES IN THE COUNTRY ISSUING THE DEGREE.
  • Proof of payment of the fee for the evaluation of the foreign degree file.
  • NIE/Passport (Foreign students)
  • CV

* Legalised by diplomatic channels (Hague Apostille) and Official Translation, if necessary.

* Consult specific regulations

Minimum documentation required for pre-registration

  • Copy of the title of Doctor
  • European Diploma Supplement (ECTS) or, failing this, academic transcript of doctoral studies
  • DNI or NIE/Passport (Foreign students)
  • CV

* Legalised by diplomatic channels (Hague Apostille) and Official Translation, if necessary.

Minimum documentation required for pre-registration

  • Copy of the University Degree (Degree or Bachelor’s Degree).
  • European Diploma Supplement (SET) or, failing this, a degree or bachelor’s degree certificate.
  • Certificate of positive evaluation of at least two years of training to obtain an official qualification in a speciality in health sciences, or the title of Specialist in Health Sciences.
  • DNI
  • CV

Minimum Documentation Required for Pre-registration

  • Copy of the academic certificate accrediting research proficiency or DEA
  • Copy of University Degree (Engineering, Architecture or Bachelor’s Degree)
  • Academic certificate of University Degree (Engineering or Bachelor’s Degree)
  • DNI
  • CV

*NOTE:  Official translation is required for all documents written in languages other than Spanish.

In the case of applying for access to doctoral studies on a part-time basis, you must provide a document accrediting this, either for work or personal reasons, such as: a written statement of personal reasons, or a report on your working life, or a company certificate, or the last pay slip, or the last self-employed person’s last payment…



If all the documentation is correct and meets the access requirements, you will receive a notification of acceptance of your pre-enrolment application from the ESDULE Administrative Unit. If this is not the case, we will contact you by email to correct the deficiencies detected.

Subsequently, the Academic Committees of the doctoral programmes will decide on the applications by applying the admission criteria of each programme, assigning a tutor and thesis supervisor. In the event of a negative decision, the applicant will be notified in writing, and will have the right to lodge the corresponding appeal.

Of the places offered by each doctoral programme, at least 5% will be reserved for students with a recognised degree of disability equal to or greater than 33%, as well as for students with permanent special educational needs associated with personal circumstances of disability.

Training Complements

Admission to the Doctoral Programmes may include the requirement of specific training complements, specifically assigned by each programme’s Academic Committee. They may be taken outside the University of León’s offer of official university master’s degrees.

For the purposes of public prices and the awarding of grants and study aids, specific training complements shall be considered as doctorate-level training.

When these complements involve a dedication equal to or greater than 30 ECTS during an academic year, this year will not be counted for the purposes of the maximum duration of the doctoral studies.

Enrolment for the complementary courses will be carried out at the administrative unit responsible for the Master’s degree, at the time of first enrolment in the PhD programme. However, if they have already been started or taught at that time, they may be enrolled in the second academic year. In any case, these complements must be passed during the initial period of development of the thesis, both for full-time and part-time students; if they are not passed, the PhD student will be permanently withdrawn from the PhD programme.



Once you have obtained access and admission to the doctoral programme, you must register for academic supervision in the academic year and period for which you have been admitted. Remember that if you do not register, your admission will be cancelled.

At the time of your first enrolment you will receive an email with instructions on how to create your ULe student username and password.

Consúltanos tus dudas


If you still have any doubts, you can ask us for information or consult the Frequently Asked Questions.