The website of the Doctoral School of the University of León is committed to making its website accessible in accordance with Royal Decree 1112/2018, of September 7, on accessibility of public sector websites and applications for mobile devices.
This accessibility statement applies to the following website
To evaluate the accessibility of a website, you can follow the guidelines set out in the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1. These guidelines provide clear criteria for evaluating the accessibility of web content based on three levels of conformance: A, AA and AAA.
Key aspects that should be evaluated to determine the accessibility of a website include:
- Color contrast: the colors used on the site should have sufficient contrast to be legible to all people, including those with visual impairments.
- The use of HTML tags: HTML tags should be used appropriately to facilitate site navigation and provide clear and concise information.
- Site navigation: the site should be easy to navigate and allow people to access all content clearly and intuitively.
- Multimedia content: multimedia content, such as video and audio, should have captions, transcripts and descriptions so that it is accessible to all people, including those with hearing disabilities.
- Customization options: the site should provide customization options so that people can adjust text size, contrast, etc.
This website is partially compliant with RD 1112/2018 due to the exceptions and non-compliance of the aspects listed below.
The content below is not accessible because of the following:
a. lack of conformity with RD 1112/2018
- There are logos and images with incorrect or confusing alternative text and complex images without textual description [requirement number Non-textual content, of UNE-EN 301549:2022].
- There are incorrectly created lists (without list label), tables with incorrectly labeled cells and invisible labels in form elements [requirement number Information and relationships, of UNE-EN 301549:2022].
- There are tables that are not adapted to small screen sizes and form fields that are not displayed correctly on small screen sizes [requirement number Text Resizing, of UNE-EN 301549:2022].
- There is text that when changing the spaces and line heights is not displayed correctly
[requirement number Text spacing, of UNE-EN 301549:2022]. - There are elements that are not accessible by keyboard, such as links to social networks, the text editor for comments, elements for ordering search results, pagination of search results or calendar arrows [requirement number Keyboard, of UNE-EN 301549:2022].
- There are elements that do not receive the focus and therefore cannot be interacted with using the keyboard, for example [requirement number Focus order, of UNE-EN 301549:2022].
- There are links in which their function is not correctly identified (they have an inadequate description, too generic text, an inadequate title…) [requirement number Purpose of links, of UNE-EN 301549:2022].
- There are headings with repeated and/or not very descriptive text [requirement number Headings and labels, of UNE-EN 301549:2022].
- There are images, infographics, link or button texts, headline text and content that are not translated into other languages [requirement number Language of the parts, of UNE-EN 301549:2022].
- On some pages the same icon is being used for different purposes, which generates confusion [requirement number Consistent identification, of UNE-EN 301549:2022].
- There are error messages that are not very descriptive, or error messages that are not grouped in a single message, as well as a lack of suggestions in the form to fill in the fields correctly [requirement number Identification of errors, of UNE-EN 301549:2022].
- There are forms with mandatory fields where the user is not informed about it, as well as fields where a textual example of the field format is missing [requirement number Labels and instructions, of UNE-EN 301549:2022].
- There are form fields where the error is reported when an incorrect value is entered but no suggestion for its correction is provided [requirement number Suggestions for errors, of UNE-EN 301549:2022].
- There are form fields where the error is reported when an incorrect value is entered but no suggestion for its correction is reported [requirement number Suggestions for errors, of UNE-EN 301549:2022].
- There are pages with syntax errors and therefore some support products may not correctly interpret the content (duplicate page IDs, unclosed tags, incorrect construction of tags…) [requirement number Processing, of UNE-EN 301549:2022].
- There are pages where support products will not be able to obtain information, interact and be aware of the status of user interface controls, such as help messages, action result status messages, link attributes, page language image… that cannot be read by screen readers at the time they appear [requirement number Name, function, value of UNE-EN 301549:2022].
- There are buttons where there may not be sufficient chromatic contrast between the background and the element, so that people with visual impairments or color blindness will find it difficult to identify these elements.
- There may be occasional editing errors on some web pages.
b. disproportionate loading
- Not applicable.
c. the content does not fall within the scope of the applicable legislation.
There may be office files in PDF or other published formats that do not fully comply with all accessibility requirements. However, efforts have been made to ensure that most of them do.
This statement was prepared on March 18, 2024.
El método empleado para preparar la declaración ha sido una autoevaluación llevada a cabo por el propio organismo.
The statement was last revised on March 18, 2024.
Comments and contact details
ou can make communications on accessibility requirements (article 10.2.a) of RD 1112/2018) such as:
- report any possible non-compliance by this website.
- transmit other difficulties in accessing the content.
- formulate any other query or suggestion for improvement related to the accessibility of the website.
Through the contact form.
You can submit:
- a Complaint regarding compliance with the requirements of RD 1112/2018 or
- a Request for Accessible Information relating to:
- contents that are excluded from the scope of application of RD 1112/2018 as established by Article 3, paragraph 4.
- contents that are exempted from compliance with the accessibility requirements because they impose a disproportionate burden.
In the Request for accessible information, the facts, reasons and request must be specified, with all clarity, that make it possible to ascertain that it is a reasonable and legitimate request.
Communications, complaints and requests for accessible information will be received and handled by the website owner.
Application procedure
If, once a request for accessible information or complaint has been made, it has been rejected, the person concerned does not agree with the decision taken, or the response does not meet the requirements set forth in article 12.5, the person concerned may initiate a complaint. Likewise, a complaint may be initiated in the event that the period of twenty working days has elapsed without having obtained a response.
The website is optimized for Microsoft Internet Explorer 8.0 or higher versions and the latest versions of FireFox, Safari, Opera and Google Chrome. The minimum recommended web resolution is 1280×1024 pixels.
The website is designed for Responsive viewing, so it is optimally displayed on tablet and mobile devices. In these devices is optimized for viewing in the latest versions of Chrome for mobile, Firefox for mobile, Safari mobile, Opera Mini and native Android browser.
Depending on the browser from which you are accessing the portal, it will be necessary to use a combination of keys or others for the use of keyboard shortcuts:
Key combinations for Tabs
- Ctrl 1-8 Switch to a specified tab, counting from the left.
- Ctrl +9 Switch to the last tab.
- Ctrl + Tab Switch to the next tab.
- Ctrl + Shift + Tab Switch to the previous tab.
- Ctrl + W , Ctrl + F4 Close the current tab.
- Ctrl + T Open a new tab
- Ctrl + Shift + T Reopen the last closed tab.
- Crtl + N Open a new browser
To navigate faster
- Alt + Left Arrow or Backspace Back.
- Alt + Right Arrow or Shift + Backspace Forward.
- F5 Reload the page.
- Ctrl + F5 Reload the page but without using the Cache.
- Esc Stop page loading.
- Alt + Home Open page our home page.
Keys to zoom in on the web page
- Ctrl and + or Ctrl + Mouse Wheel forward Zoom in.
- Ctrl and – or Ctrl + Mouse wheel backward Zoom out.
- F11 Enables or disables full screen mode.
Scrolling the web
- Space or Page Down Scroll down in a frame.
- Shift + Space or PgUp Scroll up one frame.
- Home Go to the top of the page.
- End Go to the end of the page.
- Click the mouse scroll up or down.
Address bar shortcuts
- Ctrl + L or Alt + D or F6 Activate the address bar so you can start typing a URL.
- Alt + Enter Open the address bar location in a new tab.
Shortcuts to search while browsing
- Ctrl + K or Ctrl + E Activate the address bar search box.
- Ctrl + F or F3 Search within the current web page.
- Ctrl + G or F3 Search for the next word in a text on the current page.
- Ctrl + Shift + G or Shift + F3 Search for the previous searched text on the page.
Shortcuts for Browsing History and Favorites
- Ctrl + H Opens the browsing history.
- Ctrl + J Open the download history.
- Ctrl + D Mark the current website as favorite (try this website :P).
- Ctrl + Shift + Delete Delete Browsing Data, history, passwords, cache, etc.
Other interesting shortcuts to navigate the Internet
- Ctrl + P Print the current page.
- Ctrl + S Save the current page to your computer (html code).
- Ctrl + O Open a file on your PC.
- Ctrl + U Open the source code of the current page.
- F12 Developer Tools.